30-Day Prayer Calendar

Spend a whole month praying for the Rajputs.

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
Pray for the Lord to show His glory among the Rajputs
Pray for the Lord to send laborers into the Rajput harvest fields
Pray for Rajput believers to grow stronger in their faith and to be bold in sharing the gospel
Pray for Rajput hearts to be good soil for the good seed of the gospel
Pray for opportunities for Rajputs to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ
Pray for the Lord to disarm the principalities and powers that keep Rajputs blinded from the truth
Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12
Pray for the Lord to do miracles among the Rajputs to show His power and love
Pray for Rajputs who are a part of Discovery Bible Studies and other groups reading the Word of God
Pray for the Lord to remove the stumbling blocks that keep Rajputs away from Him
Pray for the Kingdom of God to grow and spread among and through the Rajputs
Pray for Rajputs to be humble, that they may receive God’s grace
Pray for Rajputs to use their influence in society to bless others through Jesus Christ
Day 13Day 14Day 15Day 16Day 17Day 18
Pray for the Lord to remove the stumbling blocks that keep Rajputs away from Him
Pray for Rajputs to understand and believe the gift of God’s grace through Jesus Christ
Pray for Rajputs to tangibly experience the love of God
Pray for Rajputs to Biblically and joyfully worship the Lord in culturally meaningful ways
Pray for Rajputs to repent of their sin and follow Jesus
Pray for the Lord to raise up more people to persist in prayer for the Rajputs
Day 19Day 20Day 21Day 22Day 23Day 24
Pray for Rajputs to comprehend that salvation comes by faith alone in Christ alone
Pray for the church to love one another well, and that Rajputs would notice and be drawn to the Lord too
Pray that God would be glorified through the Rajputs
Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in power among the Rajputs
Pray for Rajputs to exalt Jesus Christ in their lives and live for His glory
Pray for the Lord to conquer the fears that Rajputs have about spiritual things
Day 25Day 26Day 27Day 28Day 29Day 30
Pray for Jesus Christ’s victory to be seen and felt in Rajputs’ lives
Pray that Rajputs would desire to be disciples of Jesus Christ
Pray for Rajput believers to follow Jesus’ example in how they live
Pray for the Light of the World to expel the darkness in Rajputs’ lives
Pray for protection over Rajput believers, that they may resist Satan’s attacks and remain faithful to Jesus
Pray for entire Rajput households (joint families) to come to faith in Jesus Christ
Prayer Resources

Discover Prayer Resources and Guides

Explore our collection of prayer resources and guides

Rajput family sitting on rug with man playing traditional instrument

Pray Now! Guide

A short prayer guide you can use to pray for the Rajputs right now.

Challenges with Church Planting Among Hindu Rajputs

A scripture-led guide to pray for gospel engagement among Hindu Rajputs

PrayerCast Video

A video by the PrayerCast team that guides you through praying for the Rajputs.